Renaissance will be showcasing some of our innovative work at several events during the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting.


Session 270: Transportation Accessibility for Health, Education, and Jobs  - “Evolving Challenges and Successes – Transit or Public Health” (Monday, 10:15am-Noon)

Ysela Llort will be participating on a forum of selected leaders to highlight recent transportation accessibility trends, initiatives and projects. 

Session 338: Farewell to Level of Service? Changing from LOS to VMT as a Key Performance Measure in Environmental Analysis (Monday, 1:30-3:15pm)

Eric Graye of the Montgomery County, MD Planning Department will be presenting the multimodal transportation impact analysis process developed with Renaissance and adopted by the County Council in November 2016.

Session 668 Public Transportation: Policy and Equity Analyses and Tool (Tuesday, 1:30-3:15pm)

Kathleen Rooney and Ed Mierzejewski will be presenting a poster session on our mobility fee research and guidebook for the Florida Department of Transportation. 

We developed a five-step customizable framework within an accessible and engaging guidebook to help local governments plan, develop, and implement a mobility fee program to fund local or regional transit and transit-supportive investments. Based on an extensive review of alternative mobility funding systems in Florida coupled with selected national best practices, it is a resource to help communities at all stages – from “thinking about a mobility fee” to improving an existing one.

Florida Mobility Fee
FDOT Mobility Fee Five Step Guide

Session 814 Urban Freight Transportation: Innovations and Best Practices, (Wednesday, 8-9:45am)

Dan Hardy is presenting on the following topic “Balancing Goods Movement and Livability with Freight Roadway Design Considerations”, summarizing the document we prepared for the Florida Department of Transportation.

The TRB Urban Freight Transportation Committee selected this paper as a recipient of the committee’s Award for Innovative Application of Research. The paper will be officially recognized at the Urban Freight Transportation Committee meeting at 1:30PM on January 9, 2017.

Outreach and Networking

We will be doing outreach for a project we are currently working on with FHWA to evaluate freight forecasting tools and how to improve them. FHWA publishes a Quick Response Freight Manual, which was last updated in 2007, that provides a guide for freight forecasting tools which Renaissance will also be helping to update.

We will also be coordinating with several committees and task forces on our FHWA work to develop multimodal system performance measures. Rich Kuzmyak briefed many of these groups last year as the project was just beginning, but will be joined by Chris Sinclair at this year’s conference in articulating the new Multimodal System Performance measure that they have devised, while seeking assistance in identifying key data (from cellphone, GPS and surveillance sources) to support upcoming pilot tests of the measure at six locations nationally.
