TIGER VII Grant: U.S. 301 "Road to opportunity"    

City of Wilson, North Carolina


Renaissance partnered with the City of Wilson to prepare a TIGER grant application for the US 301 corridor. With the help of Renaissance, the City received a $10M award, one of the largest awards for a rural area in 2015. The project emphasizes multimodal facilities and roadway rehabilitation. US 301 is a corridor in transition. No longer a high volume interstate highway, it now serves as an oversized roadway that creates as many barriers for residents, students, and businesses as it does opportunities. This TIGER Grant application sought to address these barriers for all users, including freight, automobiles, pedestrians and cyclists, while enhancing opportunities for a low-wealth neighborhood that needs multi-modal access to capitalize on nearby jobs, schools, and businesses.

In addition to the grant application and a cost and benefits analysis, Renaissance helped the City with conceptual design, feasibility, project cost estimating and led a public workshop to define the project elements. The team worked with residents at a community planning workshop to create possibilities to improve the accessibility and appeal of the corridor.