Lorton Visioning Study

Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development

View of the walkable, commercial oriented main street at Lorton marketplace

View down Richmond Hwy showing a conceptual visualization of the potential BRT alignment

View of the central public green space at the heart of Gunston Plaza

Lorton is seeking to express its unique character as one of Fairfax County’s most demographically diverse communities as it transforms from a gateway to the national capital region to a destination of its own. The Visioning Task Force created a set of guiding principles and identified a focus area of 1.25 square miles to serve as Lorton’s core. Building upon this foundational work, and materials developed by previous consultants, Renaissance worked with the Planning Department to bring this vision to life in the form of conceptual graphics and an implementable vision plan.

The recommendations outlined in the vision plan and illustrated in the graphics served to guide an update of the Lorton-South Route 1 Suburban Center area within the Comprehensive Plan in terms of land uses, development intensities, and other significant placemaking features within the Visioning Study Area and Focus Area.

The team successfully brought diverse Task Force perspectives together around a comprehensive vision for the future of Lorton. The district supervisor and staff have also been engaged in this process and have expressed support and excitement for the new vision. Collaboration with the Fairfax County Department of Transportation and their consultants has also led to fruitful conversations around the tradeoffs and transformative transportation elements necessary to realize this vision.