Florida Department of Transportation, Central Office
Metrorail, Downtown Miami, FL
The Framework for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Florida – which Renaissance assisted in developing - was released to be used as a guide to aid local governments and public agencies in planning for and implementing transit and TOD.
Renaissance worked with FDOT to develop a series of workshops and training sessions to rollout these TOD guidelines statewide. Our team facilitated workshops to engage agency staff in refining and implementing the guidelines.
Light Rail, Tampa, FL
The input gained at these work sessions and subsequent guidance provided by the TOD Workgroup resulted in the final documentation. The Framework will be further supplemented through a series of initiatives currently underway by the Treasure Coast RPC to develop model policies and case study applications of TOD across the state. In addition to the Framework and these activities, the National Transit Institute (NTI) Course on TOD was held in South Florida. This course revealed an interest and need to further expand the discussion of joint development and public private partnerships in support of TOD across the state.
Given this context, the purpose of this scope of work was to provide a roll-out of the Framework materials coordinated with ongoing efforts, and develop case study materials in Joint Development.