R.E.D. Priority Bus Lanes Study

North Carolina Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO)

The Triangle region’s dynamic economy, educational opportunities, and high quality of life are drawing new residents and businesses, making the region the principal economic engine of central North Carolina, and one of the country’s fastest growing areas. This rapid growth strains the region’s transportation system and generates challenges in meeting the travel needs of existing and incoming residents, workers, and visitors. CAMPO is exploring the possibility of introducing priority bus lanes that accommodate non-transit users making right turns, emergency vehicles, and driveway access (RED). These lanes support the implementation of the Wake County’s frequent service network and can be a stepping-stone toward bus rapid transit in appropriate corridors. Renaissance is leading the RED Lanes study, outlining best practices for implementation and developing a methodology for identifying suitable candidate corridors for RED lanes throughout the region.

The project consists of three major tasks: first, we are conducting a comprehensive review of best practices for transit priority lanes in similar communities nationwide. Next, we are evaluating the applicability of transit priority lanes in the CAMPO area, including their consistency with ongoing planning efforts. Finally, we are developing a methodology and toolkit for evaluating and prioritizing RED lane candidate corridors. The toolkit will allow CAMPO to update evaluation results as needed to help define capital spending priorities or model hypothetical scenarios. Renaissance is working with a 20-member technical advisory group representing member jurisdictions and transportation partners to shape the study’s approaches and communicate findings.