Renaissance Represents at National Planning Conference 2019


Renaissance Represents at National Planning Conference 2019


Project Manager Caroline Dwyer, AICP, of Durham, NC, represented Renaissance at the American Planning Association’s 2019 National Planning Conference in San Francisco.

Caroline presented as part of the "Investing in Health, Revitalizing Rural Communities" session at the conference, and helped organize the Women & Planning Division’s annual reception, of which Renaissance was a sponsor.


Caroline serves on the APA Women & Planning Division’s Executive Committee as the Director of Communications, and serves on the City of Durham Public Art Committee. Her professional motivation is developing public engagement and outreach techniques that encourage and support participation from un/underrepresented community residents and stakeholders.


Renaissance Founder Talks SMART Transit on Podcast


Renaissance Founder Talks SMART Transit on Podcast


Renaissance’s Founding Principal Chris Sinclair joined Jeffrey Wood of The Overhead Wire and Alice Bravo of Miami-Dade Department of Transportation and Public Works to talk technology, transit-oriented development (TOD), and multimodal solutions on the podcast. Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast "Episode 228: Underinfrastructurized" was recorded live from the 6th Annual Safe Streets Summit stage in Miami.

With over 37 years of experience managing a variety of land and transportation planning projects, Chris founded Renaissance in 1999 and has served as the firm’s visionary leader since its inception. He has brought a focus on integrated land use and transportation planning to a variety of planning projects, including Federal research and training, Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Long Range Transportation Plans, master plans, and local comprehensive plans, impact fees and fiscal impact studies. He is well versed in a wide range of planning tools and methods, including land use models, travel demand models, traffic operations software and fiscal impact models. Chris has helped develop unique integrated planning tools, including the multimodal accessibility (MMA) technique and the CorPlan integrated planning model.

Chris is Chairman of the Board and Practice Development Director for Renaissance, with a focus is on multimodal metrics and modeling and transit oriented development (TOD) planning and design. In addition to his work for Renaissance, Chris has taught masters level courses at the University of Virginia, the University of Florida and Rollins College.



Dan Hardy on Transportation and Sustainability at TRB


"Sustainability is in the eye of the beholder..." Renaissance Principal Dan Hardy, PE, PTP, shares some laughs in his presentation at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in Washington D.C.

The “Sustainability Next Steps: Sharing Information and Trends from the 2019 Annual Meeting and Identifying Next Steps for Research” workshop opened with presentations from experts in a range of fields like equity, environment, and economics, followed by facilitated small-group discussions that were used to prepare a sustainability research agenda for TRB.

Prior to joining Renaissance eight years ago, Dan served as the Transportation Planning Chief for the Montgomery County Planning Department, managing a 15-person Transportation Planning Division responsible for transportation elements of Countywide growth policies, master plans, and development review cases. The rapidly growing County of nearly one million residents had high expectations for involvement in decision making. Dan’s expertise includes both developing and applying growth management policies and practices.


What do Major the Bull and Cinnamon Buns Have in Common?


What do Major the Bull and Cinnamon Buns Have in Common?

I recently attended the Piedmont Triad Tomorrow Summit, an event in Winston-Salem bringing together local and regional planners from a 12-county area in central North Carolina. Featuring a wide array of topics - and lots of advice for sparking economic growth - the summit was an opportunity for planners to meet, mingle, and learn. The event was sponsored by the Piedmont Triad Regional Council (PTRC), one of North Carolina’s 16 regional councils, and structured to help the council’s member governments confront economic development challenges and get tips on kick-starting and strengthening their local economies.


Designing Main Street with Durham Public School Students


Designing Main Street with Durham Public School Students

An important part of a planner’s job is engaging all members of the community in the planning decisions that affect them. However, the ultimate beneficiaries of these decisions, the youth of our community, are often not involved in these discussions. Thus, I was honored by the opportunity to participate in Student U Durham’s annual Career Day for Summer Academy students, rising 6th through rising 10th grade Durham Public School students. Student U Durham is a college access organization for Durham Public School students, committed to the vision that all students are destined to succeed.
